
Bridal Registry

Registrant Co-Registrant Created Event Date
Kennedy Bruce McCrory July 9, 2024 November 16, 2024

Registrant: Kennedy Bruce

Co-Registrant: McCrory

Created: July 9, 2024

Event Date: November 16, 2024

Line Title Image Price Wants Has Needs Cart
1 Berry and Thread Collection - Whitewash / Dinner
$44.00 8 3 5
2 Berry and Thread Collection - Whitewash / Challah Board
$198.00 1 1 0
3 Berry and Thread Collection - Chambray / Salad
$42.00 8 3 5
4 Berry and Thread Collection - Whitewash / Pasta Bowl
$42.00 4 3 1
5 Berry and Thread Collection - Whitewash/ 11" Bow; / 11" Bowl
$125.00 1 1 0
6 Rufolo Glass - Charger
$49.00 8 8 0
7 Berry and Thread Collection - Whitewash / 12" Serving Bowl
$84.00 1 0 1
8 Berry and Thread Collection - Whitewash / Small Oval Bake
$78.00 1 1 0
9 Georgian Color Block - Black
$68.00 8 8 0
10 Villa Seville - Scalloped Desert/Salad Plate
$38.00 8 0 8